Our Values

AKRITAS is characterized by ethics, consistency and respect for employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities. Adherence to the above principles is a commitment for the Management of our Company, defining our philosophy and culture, our daily operation, but also our relations with our customers and suppliers.

In accordance with our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact, we respect:

A. the Human Rights by adopting the principles of international declarations of human rights (Principle 1), developing procedures that ensure that there will be no incident of violation of human rights from our operation (Principle 2),

B. the Labor Rules supporting the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right of collective bargaining of our workers (Principle 3), eliminating all types of forced and compulsory labor (Principle 4), ensuring procedures to avoid incidents of child labor (Principle 5th), developing procedures that eliminate discrimination during the recruitment and employment process of our employees (Principle 6th) and adopting a Policy to prevent and combat Discrimination, Violence and Harassment in the premises of our Company,

C. the Natural Environment by supporting a proactive approach to environmental challenges (Principle 7th), taking initiatives to promote increased environmental responsibility (Principle 8th), encouraging the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technology in our production processes (Principle 9th),

D. procedures against Corruption by avoiding all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery (Principle 10).

Our Mission

Our goal, which is also a commitment of the Management, is the production and distribution of high quality products with a sense of responsibility towards both customers and the natural environment.